Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bumper to Bumper

My youngest son is fascinated by toy cars. I don't see him play with them very often, at least not in the traditional sense. They don't go zooming across the floor, from one end of the room to the other. He doesn't make "Vroom, vrooooom!" sounds as he glides them over the carpet. Rather, he parks them, bumper to bumper, like some Friday afternoon traffic jam in the middle of our kitchen or playroom. Then he sits and watches them with silent fascination. Sometimes the traffic jams are small (only 4-5 car lengths). Sometimes they are massive car pile-ups, stretching for several yards.

I'm don't believe children settle on careers so early in their life, but if they did ... I wonder what his occupation will be. Is he imagining ways to solve tomorrow's problems of mass transit? Is he lining up customers to his auto repair center? Is he the architect for the vehicles of tomorrow? I wonder what he sees and thinks about, with his cars lined up end to end. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Awesome picture. LOL