Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Miss my Mom

It's about a 40-minute drive from work to the cemetery where my mother is buried, a little longer enroute, when you stop to purchase a flower to lay on her grave stone. So a little over an hour and a half round-trip, but I wasn't too concerned about taking a long lunch today.

It was a quiet drive, with the radio off and my mind just wandering. Peaceful, calm.

I wasn't the first to visit this day. There were some flowers and a sand dollar (from Higgin's Beach, no dobut) laid atop her grave marker. I went to move them aside, to lay my palms on the flat stone (a ritual of mine) ... when my world just crashed. When I read the tombstone, it said:

J. Bradford Seabury

Suddenly everything stopped, I didn't quite know where I was any more. "No, that's wrong," I whispered. But the sane, reasoning side of my brain couldn't counter what my eyes were reading and the letters that my fingers traced. Slowly I came around, and read the entire grave stone. I saw my mother's name in the stone, August 8th, 2005 was written near her name. That area near my father's inscription was a blank slate. The world started to slowly turn again, and I came back to reality.

I miss you, Mom. I'll remember what you said, and I'll try harder.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

It is unnerving to see dad's name there. It must really freak HIM out. I think he did it to save us time, money and anquish later. Hugs big brother.