Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cars, cars, cars!

Cars. If my children have inherited any OCD traits from their mother, than Donovan's obsession is cars. He used to be fascinated with Hummers (still is, to a certain extent), and we have no less than 8 different Hummer toy trucks in the house. As of late, his obsession has shifted to Cars (and since watching the Pixar movie of the same title, Lightning McQueen #95 in particular). And he got indulged BIG TIME on his birthday.

Aside from the Cars Playstation2 game referenced in yesterday's blog, he got a bunch of different sized cars on his birthday, all from the hit movie. He was in HEAVEN! Thank goodness Grampy had the foresight to buy dozens of AA-sized batteries (my personal favorite present, as we seem to go through 3-5 batteries daily, as we cycle them from dozens of battery-operated cars now in the house).

What happened to toy cars that you sorta pushed along with your hands, the kind I used to play with in the sandbox of my backyard? Todays cars have buttons that beep and honk and play music (yes, music -- and not very tasteful music at that). They have headlights that glow, and engines that roar. And you don't dare take them outside to the sandbox for fear that sand will get in their sensitive electronics and break them, or jam up the wheels.

Ah well, look at the expression on his face. Another car. His collection of cars easily numbers in the tripple digits, but that doesn't lessen the delight and happiness of getting ... a new car! Posted by Picasa

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