Monday, March 24, 2008

Yes, I'm Still Here ...

I was asked, this past weekend, how come I haven’t been keeping my blog updated. I was surprised that it is still viewed and looked at! I told the commentator that I ALWAYS right for my blog, every day. But lately, well, for the past few months, most of the blog entries have been work-related, and for that reason, I have marked them private. I just reviewed a number of them this morning and I think it’s probably best if they remain that way – at least while I’m still gainfully employed here.

I work at a small telecommunications start-up firm (it’s my third telecom start-up in the past 15 years, you’d think I’d have a clue by now). It’s the most peculiar company I’ve ever worked for, and it’s been the source of many “colorful” blog entries in the past few months. Some day these blogs might see the light of day, become exposed to the national limelight, but it won’t be before this company is either publically traded (not likely to happen soon) or acquired (not significantly more likely). And even then, it probably won’t happen until I’m off to my next venture.

So for now, knowing that I still have a loyal readership, I’ll try to focus a few daily blog entries to some topic other than work.


Stacy said...

Yay! You are still here!!! I know, I know. I should talk. I will update soon. I have pictures even. :)

What is your email? Can you send me an email addy (for your eyes only?). I want to chat with you about some stuff. Lil sis

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