I try to keep all my blogs free of political posts (even this, my personal blog), but I have to say, I'm rather smitten by McCain's pick of running mate. And not for the reasons you might think:
- Not because she decided that the private corporate jet bought on state credit by the previous Alaskan govener was too much, and decided to sell it on Ebay.
- Not because she's a health nut, who loves jogging, runs marathons and climbs mountains.
- Not becaues she eats caribou, mooseburgers, and rides snowmobiles.
- Not because she's a mother of five children, the youngest having Down Syndrome, and therefore giving her a glimpse into the plight of families with special needs children.
- Not because her oldest son (now 18) is currently serving in the US military.
- Not because her husband is a down-to-earth commercial fisherman, not some political mucky-muck.
- Not because she has an unheard of approval rating by her constituents ... in the high 80% range, sometimes in the 90's!
- Not because she has been heralded in the national media as being the most popular govener in the country
- Not because she's a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association
- Not because she is quoted as saying, "I support our Constitutional right to bear arms and am a proponent of gun safety programs for Alaska's youth"
- Not because she she's spunky and ethical, resigning from her post on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, in a protest over what she perceived to be a "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders
- Not because, as city mayor of Wasilla, she invited investment and business growth by eliminating small business taxes, eliminating personal property taxes, reduced real property tax mill levies.
- Not because is pro-life.
- Not because she belogs to Feminists for Life.
- Not because she opposes same-sex marriage, but also supports same-sex union benefits (and signed them into law).
- Not because she's stirring up discussion, and controversy, and excitement in the way that no other vice president - in either party's history - has done before.
No, I like this candidate because I'm shallow, and she's FRICKIN' HOT!
Go, McCain-Palin, GO!